I attended High School with a rock star! Sayreville War Memorial High School in New Jersey had a famous student. Jon Bon Jovi graduated in 1980 with my brother, and I graduated in 1981. He changed his name when he got famous. Originally it was John Bongiovi. I don't remember much about him because remember he wasn't famous yet. But here's what I do remember:
*He had long hair.
*He used to sleep during class because he would play in a band in NYC at night. Clubs close about 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning and then a 30 to 45 minute drive back to Sayreville. He actually lived in Parlin which is in a section of Sayreville.
*Us kids thought he was cocky but really he was confident and driven.
*He was in the Dirt Bag group. Thats what they called themselves. (smokers, drinkers) Not my group.
*My brother got into a pushing fight with him in band class. Something about attitude or personal space. A teenage boy thing.
I think its pretty cool that someone from our little town made it big. Am I proud? ...Sure. I think he's a good singer and songwriter. I'm glad he seems to be a family man and a humanitarian too. I have his ring tone on my phone, "Have a nice day". So I guess you could say I'm a fan.
I'll have to show this to Steve since I think he's the BIGGEST FAN ever...okay, not ever...maybe just on our Street. He knows every song, has every CD, and goes to every concert (when they come here). Even my kids know most of his songs. Fun post!
Sahweet! I wanted the HUGEST hair-band fan... But I love alot of their music.. Who doesn't?
So cool that you have a claim to fame.. I will have to show my friend.. She LOVES Bon Jovi!
Sorry for my typo..
Its supposed to say "wasn't" not wanted..
Wow!!! I imagine him to look just like he did in high school. I imagine he would come across as cocky being so driven as he was. That was cool to hear about him.
I am too. I even went to his last concert that was here in AZ.
Sorry, I should not type when I'm more brain dead than usual! I am also a fan of Bon Jovi, cool that you knew him when - I like his music and that fact he is a family man and a humanitarian. I also think it's cool that all these years he's been the owner of the band and pays the members a salary, very money savvy!
It's pretty great that my kids like his songs just as much as I do! He used to play in clubs down the shore on the boardwalk. Love that!
That is so cool! Okay, so I went to school with a guy who wrote the music used in the temple.
Somehow that doesn't sound quite as cool though, does it. Well, I tried.:-)
Wow, that IS cool! I came from a little town too... NO one famous from there. Oh. Wait. Jimmy Dean, LOL, does he count?
Oh - I so love Jon Bon Jovi, one of my all time fav. singers, and bands! I had "you give love a bad name" as my ringtone forever! I'm rockin' some NKOTB (I know - total opposite - what can I say, I'm a complicated gal!), but I have all of Bon Jovis albums. Plus - he's super hot!!
I looovvveee!!! Bon Jovi... one of my favs of all time. What a fun post, and you have a beautiful family!!!
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