Wednesday, April 21, 2010

10 signs to know the twins are home from college

10. P90X everyday
9. sunbathing those white bodies
8. more people to help cook in the kitchen :)
7. LAUNDRY up the wazoo
6. Tyler has his favorite playmate back
5. everyone needs to use the car
4. lots and lots of laughing
3. clothes, socks, bags and shoes everywhere
2. someone is always going on a jog/run
1. This mom who can't help but smile amongst her messy house.


Unknown said...

oh, I'm jealous...mine only comes home this weekend for a quick break and then she's back out for spring term.

CB said...

LOVE it!! I can totally relate and I do not even have twins - ha ha.

Sounds like your home is one busy, and happy place!!

Joy For Your Journey said...

I'm jealous--but not for long. Mine start coming home on Saturday!! Hooray for that! Enjoy!!

Episode Experts said...


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

CUte! I'm glad you are having fun!

Ann Marie said...

Such a cute post!

When all of us get together.. it's noisy.. we are all trying to talk OVER each other.. and it's chaos.. but it's ALL WONDERFUL!!!!

I'm so grateful my Mom and Dad had 6 kids. We have the funnest time all together!

mpal said...

What a lucky mom!

Da Bergs said...

I always wanted twins!!! I got one of mine home last night... 2 more coming tomorrow night for a bit... there is nothing better then getting them back.. if even for a bit, huh??!!!

NatureGirl said...

Thanks for stopping by. We have a couple of mutual followers, we must have some things in common! Look forward to getting to know you...

lesa said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Isn't being a Mom the best! Have fun with your kids.

I love your background. Nice to meet you!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

I keep meaning to try out P90X! But can never seem to find the time!
I Am white, and only slightly embarrassed by it!
Laundry... yes, laundry...

As much as I love all my little kids I confess I kind of look forward to them being just a teeny bit older and self-reliant. Will potty-training never end!? =)

Thanks for stopping by my blog!! It's always fun to chat with new peeps!

Saimi said...

Hi Lisa! Thanks for visiting my blog!! I loved reading about your twins coming home, I too love when my boys come to visit!

One of my sons did the P90X and wow what a transformation! We took pictures to document the different stages and If I didn't see it myself, I wouldn't have believed it.

alpinekleins said...

This is the greatest post! My college gal won't be home until July and I wish I was doing her laundry and had a little help in the kitchen. (not to mention someone to run the duster and vacuum :)
