Eclipse movie review. Don't worry no spoilers.
A friend of mine rented out the theater for an 8pm special showing yesterday before the midnight show. All the tickets had row and seat numbers on them so no mad dash to get your seats. It was sooo nice. She even had a raffle before the movie started. A couple of friends won a t-shirt (Shari) and another (MaryAnn) won a pack of Eclipse gum.
I thought the movie was great. Better than expected and with some great one-liners. The tent scene has one of my favorites! There's some surprisingly good humor and more development of the characters. I even liked Jasper better. I also thought the characters looked better. They must have a new make up artist or better lighting, something.
It was a good mix of fight scenes with a teenage love triangle romance. It certainly is a little cheesy but the story is a little cheesy. But I don't care, I guess I like cheesy. The movie also made me like movie Edward more because I've really wanted to since I liked him in the books but didn't so much in the previous 2 movies. Bella is not as annoying either. This movie is all around just better! A good date movie for me and hubs. He won 2 free tickets so I get to go again tomorrow.
Well here are my flowers after 2 weeks in 110 degree heat. Not too bad. A few dried up but the majority survived. I was feeling pretty confident so I added another pot. Here's the post that explains the story behind the flowers.
I just might be able to handle the rest of the summer!
Great movie review! I'm a Edward fan strictly because I like his character in the books, just like you. I'm glad to hear his movie character is better. Ahh, I can't wait to see it! How lucky for you to have a friend that can rent a movie theater!
Beautiful flowers and good job keeping them alive in that kind of heat!
Loved the movie as well!
I am going to do a review soon!!
Your flowers are so pretty! Congrats on keeping them alive and blooming!! :)
I think that your movie review is 100% the same thing that I would have said! Plus, I think we were at the same showing! My friends rented out two theatres for an 8pm showing with a raffle beforehand!
Jolene- You were at the same movie showing. Crazy! I wish I would have known,it would've been great to meet you especially during a Twilight movie. Now that would have made the night! :)
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