Monday, October 24, 2011


Our little Heather turned 16 years old last week.

We have a family tradition that the kid's first date is not until they're 16 years old is with their mom (for the boys)or dad (with the girls).  Randy took her to a matinee theater show at Broadway Palms.
Then later that same day she went on another date quadding with her friend Kalvin.

Here we go again...


Lauren said...

Dating in the Pulsipher home has started once again!! Woooo!

Saimi said...

What a great tradition!! I love that her first date is with her mom or dad!

What a darling young lady, I can bet that's the first of many to come!!

CB said...

Here you go again!! I love this age!
And how was your Disney trip? You have been absent from the blog lately.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

She's darling! Happy Birthday to a gorgeous girl.

Ya, fun times ahead. Sleepless late nights waiting and waiting and talking and talking.

Joy For Your Journey said...

Glad your hubby was able to get that date in before her other date!! :-)

Happy 16th!! My baby is turning 18 on Friday! Oh, so sad!!!