Monday, February 6, 2012

100 lb. quest

I'm all into motivation these days and loved this quote!
I lost another 4 lbs which really is a little surprising because I had some pie and some pasta. Two things which I shouldn't have.  I didn't have an all out portion.  I just had a taste.  Who knew you don't have to eat it all.  Oh, skinny people that's who.  I would hate to be deprived of all the great tasting foods out there for the rest of my life.  By the way the pie and pasta were delicious!

Also, if you are interested, my daughter did a wedding review post and the last picture is one of me (68 lbs heavier) and my husband (40 lbs heavier).


CB said...

Wow another 4 pounds - You are doing so well!!!

Julie said...

Way to go!!

lesa said...

That is very exciting!