Monday, August 13, 2012

100 lb. quest

I lost 2 lbs. this week!  Honestly, I really don't know how I did that.  I had at least 4 meals that were NOT on program plus chocolates.  It makes no sense to me but I'll happily take it.  We traveled up to Utah for my daughter's college graduation.  It was wonderful. I am so proud of her!  She will be an RN soon after she passes the national boards.  Now onto the job search!

 Photo: We have our first college graduate!

While in Utah we ate at some awesome places.  If you're ever in the area I highly recommend them.  In Provo, Cubbies (I had the steak salad, soo good.  It's a new place that opened a few months ago. It was so good I wanted to go back the next day), Slab Pizza ( they give you 1/4 of a pizza pie. I split an order of chicken bacon ranch. Delicious! Then, Tucanos ( a deliciously cooked Brazilian style meat overload with a yummy buffet. I was stuffed when I rolled out of that restaurant.).  We also had Hawaiian Haystacks at my SIL's house. They just moved to Alpine which is where we stayed.  The chocolates were at University Mall.  It was a weak moment. It is hard for me to ever be negative about chocolate though!  I decided to make all those food choices and don't regret them. There's something about sharing good food with people you love that to me will always be worth it.  (just as long as it's not everyday!)

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