Friday, December 7, 2012

Five Question Friday- 12/7/12

1. How many times have you moved and do you have any tips?
This might take me a minute to figure out.  Let me see, 6 places in college.  Then 3 more in CA before marriage and another 6 after being married.  So that's 15 different places I've lived in including the house I grew up in.  My advice would be to declutter.

2. Do you have a budget for the holidays, or just keep sliding the credit card and have a heart attack in Jan?
I try to budget and make sure there is an even amount for everyone.  This year will be different because we have a wedding just after Christmas. Money is disappearing quickly around these parts.

3. What is the one medical thing you avoid like the plague?
anything surgical scares me.  I would have loved to correct my eyes but I'm too afraid of the surgery.

4. What's your least favorite Christmas song?
being a grandma now it's gotta be "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" 
5. This Christmas are you spending more, less or about the same? Why?
Less on Christmas because of the wedding!

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