Friday, February 1, 2013

Five Question Friday- 2/1/13

1. What is your favorite book to read with your kids?
I like the Little Golden books.  They remind me of my childhood and The Berenstain Bear books.

2. After having kids, what body part has changed the most?

3. Would you ever go back to college? What would you study?
I got my degree in the only field I would want to study in. So no more college for me.

4. How do you close a phone call? Bye, bye bye or other?
My girls say that I definitely do have a certain way.  I think it's...Love you, okay bye, bye.

5. What is the one food that will always be your "cheat food" on a diet?
It depends, sometimes I crave sweets and sometimes I crave salty.  If I have to pick one probably chocolate.

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