Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Earthquake Timmy bit the dust

Lauren got into an accident a few days ago. She is fine and the pickup truck that she hit is fine (just a minor dent) but our 1990 Honda Civic (aka Earthquake Timmy) is on his last leg. Is it worth fixing? Can we find a good, cheap car to replace it? or Is mom back to taxi driving the kids around? Can't wait to see how this turns out!


Heather said...

Scary-I'm glad she's okay. I saw her singing last night. Were you there??? I didn't see you? I kind of felt bad because there was hardly anyone there for as many kids that sang. I hope you can fix the car. I don't think being a taxi driver will be fun :)

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

No I wasn't at the concert. We had a family birthday party that she came late to. She's not allowed to miss any concerts or it will effect her grade. I really don't want to drive the kids around anymore but I also don't want to spend alot fixing it either.

Michelle Randall said...

Oh man. Glad she's OK.It's always sad when our old cars finally bite the dust. Hope it all turns out OK. Let us know if you want a cheap replacement and maybe Rick can look at an auction for you or something.

mpal said...

Glad she's okay - Too bad about the car! It's kind of sad to lose the ones with such great nicknames!

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

Andrew named it Earthquake Timmy because it would shake so much.

Joy For Your Journey said...

Oh, I can relate to this all too well. We have had two cars in accidents. We also had a corolla that could shake like crazy. I rode in it once and that was all I could take. We never thought about naming it "earthquake" though it would have been a good name for it. Sorry about the accident, and sorry even more if you end up being the taxi driver. Oh, life and its little surprises!:-)