Lauren changed her bedroom to a shabby chic style. She's a bargain shopper and a great trash to treasure finder. Her room is very girly and fits her personality perfectly. She did all the work herself.
Her bed. Bedspread and pillows from Target. The coat rack in the corner for all her many bags.

She found a couple of night stands at Savers and painted/distressed them.

She decorates with fancy hat boxes. The large chest has her art supplies in it and the smaller ones are memory/treasure boxes. The chair she got for $5 at a rummage sale. It was love at first sight.

Her closet. She took the doors off to be able to see all her clothes and to put stylin outfits together easier. Her bags on the left and belt/scarfs on the right. Standing mirror is there too.

Her shoes. She loves high heels and colorful shoes to match outfits with.

These bulletin boards have a lot of her sketches on them. She likes to design clothes. Her dream jobs would be to dress windows in stores, be a fashion designer of her own modest clothing line or be a stylist.

The wall opposite her bed. She upholstered some of the bulletin boards with fabric before she covered them in photos. The 5 small frames are her sketches that she painted/distressed. She painted the mirror too.

Her book shelf and make up/jewelry area.

The other side of the book shelf. She dries the flowers she gets from various admirers.

Her bed. Bedspread and pillows from Target. The coat rack in the corner for all her many bags.

She found a couple of night stands at Savers and painted/distressed them.

She decorates with fancy hat boxes. The large chest has her art supplies in it and the smaller ones are memory/treasure boxes. The chair she got for $5 at a rummage sale. It was love at first sight.

Her closet. She took the doors off to be able to see all her clothes and to put stylin outfits together easier. Her bags on the left and belt/scarfs on the right. Standing mirror is there too.

Her shoes. She loves high heels and colorful shoes to match outfits with.

These bulletin boards have a lot of her sketches on them. She likes to design clothes. Her dream jobs would be to dress windows in stores, be a fashion designer of her own modest clothing line or be a stylist.

The wall opposite her bed. She upholstered some of the bulletin boards with fabric before she covered them in photos. The 5 small frames are her sketches that she painted/distressed. She painted the mirror too.

Her book shelf and make up/jewelry area.

The other side of the book shelf. She dries the flowers she gets from various admirers.

Go here if you want to see Lauren's blog. Oh to be a senior in High School with a world of possibilites at your feet. She has alot of decisions to make very soon, as does her twin brother. Will they attend the same college...I wonder?
Really cute room - she did a super job!
I know I have let my teenagers paint and decorate their own rooms over the years and it is always amazing to me how savvy they can be. I think they learn alot from the experience + they get a great room that is personal to them!
Love the little tables she found and re-did - skills for sure!
What a talented girl! I wish I had that much decorating sense when I was her age!
What am I saying? I wish I had that much decorating sense now!
I love the peek in to your talented Lauren's room. I had to laugh when I clicked over to her blog - my second daughter has a room decorated in the same colors and has a blog titled "Confessions of a pre-teen drama queen".
Darling-Darling room!!!
I love the tables, the curtians, and that she is organized! That is such a good thing to see in Teenagers rooms. I think it shows what a good housekeeper she will be!
PS: And I used to be shoes-hoarder!
Love-love shoes!
Way cute room - how do you get her to keep it so clean?!
She is so talented - what a great job she did. I love it when I get a glimpse of my 6 year olds style and personality.
It's fun having teenagers who like what I like. I enjoy HGTV and decor shopping. I wish I was trained but it's all about what you like isn't it? (as said by a former elementary school teacher). My oldest daughter's style is modern, Lauren is shabby chic, I'm not sure about Heather yet and Andrew- he has always said, "I'll like whatever my wife likes". I'm trying to train him early!
I think she keeps it clean and organized because it was completely her project, she designed it all.
She did a REALLY great job!! I know one of the colleges in Colorado have a great design school. CU or CSU. Cant remember which one!
She is so clean too!!
So cute! I remember saving flowers too. :)
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