Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tyler's 1st Talk

Tyler gave a talk in primary. The topic was family members can help each other. We used the red middle page of the March Friend magazine. It has a picture of a house and family members on it and he talked about his own family. I cut out the pictures and laminated them so he could put them up one at a time. He loved talking into the microphone and could just barely be seen over the podium. Before he started talking he waved to his dad on the back row who came to watch him. Too cute. With his birthday in December he is the youngest child in primary. This is what he said:

I have a family and we live in a house.
It is a house of love.
There is my dad. He takes me hiking up Silly Mountain.
There is my mom. She gives me a bath.
There is my sister Nicole. She's in college and made a dog with me.
There is my sister Lauren. She kisses me.
There is my sister Heather. She hugs me.
There is my brother Andrew. He helps me.
There is my Oma. She plays with me.
Then there is me. I love my family.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen


Ann Marie said...

Sooo cute!!

I love how he listed things about each member of his family. Love it!

I love his suit! My Christian has one and I always tell him he looks like a little missionary! They do!

CB said...

What a cute boy! I bet you were so proud. The first talk is a big deal and to see your baby - Oh my!

Love his list:D

I think the youngest of a large family has got it made in the shade and is pretty lucky! So loved.

Sandie said...

The small and simple things are the most precious! Before we know it, they are off to college. Gotta love it and enjoy it while you can! Too sweet! Great post!

mpal said...

So sweet. I think the best part of Primary are the children's talks and their sweet sincerity.

Nicole said...

That's so cute! I love how mine is the longest.. :)

Joy For Your Journey said...

Oh, that is way too cute! I so miss those days!