Sunday, May 30, 2010


The topic of this post is inspired by Cherie. She has ended her addition to Diet Coke recently something that she's tried to do before but this time it stuck. I unfortunately can't join that club yet as I am still a Diet Coke drinker. I defiantly have slowed way down but I still crave it, sometimes out of the blue and for no good reason. I do want to stop because I know its healthier to not drink it. Anyway, reading her post reminded me of this story from my past.

When I was growing up in New Jersey we had many people in our ward family who worked in NYC. Many were transplanted from Utah. Our bishop worked on the NY stock exchange and others were professors at Rutgers University. Even NieNie from blogland lived in our ward boundaries for a time when her girls were little. I want to share a story about one man from our ward when I was a teenager.

His name was Bro. M. and he also worked in NYC. Remember back years ago when they had soda wars between Coke and Pepsi. It seemed to be on every soda commercial Coke against Pepsi. Bro. M worked for Pepsi as a Vice President. The company was having a meeting about how to win the battle against Coke and attract more buyers. They decided that they would put in more caffeine to get the public addicted to their product. There was a vote taken, Bro. M voted against putting in more caffeine. He was fired the next day. Soon after this experience he along with his family, was called to be a mission president in South America which was such a blessing to each of their family members. Interesting timing. Reminds me of receiving blessings after a difficult trial.

I've always admired how he stuck to his convictions even if it meant termination from a well paying job. I had so many good examples growing up from wonderful people.

2 comments: said...

I am following you from Friday Follow;-)

Jeanette Huston

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Loved the post and now I am feeling guilty!
I can't join the club either.
I quit pepsi (serious addiction) and was off for 5 (yes 5) years. Then I just started drinking it again.
I feel like yuck.

Your daughter from your previous post is absolutely darling.