Friday, June 18, 2010

goodwill hunting

Just a few treasures I found

I'm trying to find large frames to use at the wedding reception. These are 30'' by 40'' We'll probably paint them white and blow up pictures of the couple to put around the room with ribbon. It's a work in progress.

More frames to use at the reception. Might paint the middle one. You can't tell but there's shiny jewels in the corners. Very shabby.

A large 15''by 20'' sturdy basket. Have I every mentioned that I collect baskets.

4'' by 6'' frames. I'm planning on using them on an entry table or sofa table filled with family photos. Each of the kids, Randy and I, the grandparents all in the same colored frames wtih black and white photos.

Heart pancake molds. We have big breakfasts on Saturdays so these will be fun to use.

Tyler was shopping with me on this day. So we had to hit the toy section. Little People garage, memory game( all the pieces- bonus), 2 swim suits and a plastic snake. (He loves the snake but it's already lost)

dragon (He thinks he's the boy from" How to Train your Dragon" now.)

I know I could make one but it was only $2.00. It looks pink but its really red.

What you don't have a basketball under your topiary? I think this will look nice with twinkly lights in it.

You know me and quotes. Love them.

For my colognes and perfumes. I might put a new scrapbook paper inside. But right now I kinda like the vintage look.


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Very darling indeed. You are so amazing. I can hardly wait to see what you do with it for the reception.
You are gonna be so busy this summer!

Lesa said...

Can we be friends! I would love to go goodwill shopping with you. I go to the DI probably once a week, just to look around.

My boys found a sweet golf club to give as a father's day gift. It only cost $1.00.

You are welcome to stop by my new-ish simplified picture blog.


Elaine said...

These are great finds!

Enter to win a Lime Ricki swimsuit!
clothed much, a modest fashion blog

Lara Neves said...

I love Goodwill hunting! You got some good stuff here...I can tell that your Goodwill is way better than mine. :)

Pedaling said...

love the fashion tray.

great finds!