Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A wonderful experience

Tonight we had a wonderful spiritual experience. Randy and I were able to be present when Andrew received his Patriarchal Blessing. What a son I have. I feel so blessed to be his mother.

The Heavens are open I testify of that. May those who have received their blessings read and study them and may those who haven't, I challenge you to receive yours. Our Father in Heaven seeks to let you know personally of his love for you. He seeks to guide and strengthen each of us.

It's another reason why I love my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.


Suzanne said...

That is fabulous! I love to hear the spiritual moments in people's lives. Thank you for sharing your testimony about Patriarchal blessings! Hope you are having a fabulous day! -Suzanne

Ann Marie said...

I too.. loved to read your testimony. Especially because my Father is a patriarch.. and I know how much he prepares himself spiritually.. so he can be in tune with what God wants the recipients to know...

So happy that your home is filled with many blessings and much happiness right now...

Saimi said...

You know, I just pulled mine out the other day and started reading it. I didn't get mine as a youth, but actually just a few years ago.

It truly is an a amazing and spiritual experience!

CB said...

It is an amazing thing to be able to listen to your childs Patriarchal Blessing and to really really see all that they are - the beautiful spiritual person that you have been allowed to raise.
It is astounding!!
Loved to read your Testimony!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

You are probably the only person other than the Lord to know that child's potential. Awesome to hear it in a blessing.

Small House said...

It's such a treat to be present when a child receives their patriarchal blessing. To see them as God sees them. And to recognize the wonderful personality traits that they have and that the Lord is using to build His church with. What a wonderful day you had!!

Lesa said...

Thanks for sharing. I've had that experience with my daughter and it was a very neat experience.