Friday, February 17, 2012

Five Question Friday 2/17

1. What do you do when you are really upset to calm yourself down?
Cry.  A good cry can be very cleansing!  Sometimes I go for a drive.

2. Do you go all out for V-day or is it just another day?
I Love Valentine's Day! We usually go out to dinner.  This year it was P.F. Changs and a movie. We exchange little gifts. Randy gave me a beautiful love note.
I have red and pink treats for the kids waiting for them after school at the kitchen table, this year I made sugar cookies, peanut butter blossom heart cookies and chocolates from heart molds.  Since I dieting I gave most of them away. I was in charge of my Kindergartener's Valentine party. (we played pin the heart on the cupid, made a heart card using stamps and pencil erasers, decorated around hearts with stickers that had the kid's pictures in the middle and decorated sugar cookies. I also made these for the class)

3. Are you more or less productive when Hubs is away? 
I would have to say more productive.  No husband distractions.

4. What is your favorite time of day and why?
many times of the day are my favorite (in the morning before anyone else is up, just after I've taken the kids to school and I'm home with husband before he leaves for work, getting things done when the kids are at school, when the kids come back from school, dinner conversations, family prayer, bedtime talks, kid's have gone to bed and watching tv just me and my man)

5. What is your go to karaoke song?
I have no idea.....though I have been known to break into song for no good reason.  I like to sing children's primary songs/hymns in the car.  Does that count?

1 comment:

CB said...

Girl - We are alot alike!