100-lb Difference
I wrote this after losing 100 pounds. I couldn't believe the physical changes in my body and changes to my health! Here are some things I noticed and wanted to document:

- I used to not be able to bend down to tie my shoes. I avoided it at all costs. Now a lot of my shoes are wedges and high. I love shoes. I've even gone down a size and am no longer a wide.
- I used to sit down very slowly into a chair, for fear of breaking it. Always looked for the sturdiest one to sit in or I'd just stand for fear of breaking it.
- I used to feel very shameful buying candy or junk food because of what people would think.
- I used to have a large open gap in my bath towel when I wrapped it around me--it just wouldn't go all the way around.
- I never used to be able to curl my legs up underneath me, or sit Indian-style or cross-legged.
- It took me a while to figure out why I had bruises just inside of each of my knees... I discovered it was because my knees can actually TOUCH each other now! When I sleep on my side, the bones press together and that's how I got the bruises. Now I have to sleep with my knees not touching each other.
- I used to have to take breaks while blow-drying my hair, because my arms got sore from holding them up. Now, I can blow-dry my whole head and never get sore.
- I can paint my toenails now! I used to not be able to bend over long enough to paint them.
- My wedding ring is loose, so much so that I'm afraid I might lose it. I need to get it resized.
- When I go clothes shopping, I don't automatically look for the largest size and see if there is something I like. I look for clothes I LIKE first, then I look to see if it's in my size.
- I don't feel horrified when I see pictures of myself now. In the past, I HATED getting my picture taken.
- I used to snore and now I sleep quietly and soundly. At least that's what they tell me.
- When I went to the doctor, they used to have to get out a larger-size blood pressure cuff to fit around my arm. Now, I can use the regular cuff.
- I used to be hot all the time... even when everyone else was freezing. Now, I'm always cold.
- In group photos, I always used to stand in the back, trying to hide behind everyone.
- I used to go in sideways to sit at the dollar movie theater because the seats were small. I was stuck in that seat for the 2 hour movie and couldn't move around. Now I don't have to squeeze in and can sit comfortably.
- I have collar bones. I never noticed them before.
- I used to avoid hugging people because I didn't want them to feel my fat. Now, I enjoy hugging people.
- I used to get winded just walking around my house and especially climbing the stairs. Now I walk/jog 6 times around the park 4 -5 days a week.
- My house is cleaner now because now I have the energy to bend down and scrub.
- I used to sweat just SITTING, and it was horribly embarrassing. Now, I love that I get super sweaty on my walk. It makes me feel healthy.
- When I hold up a pair of jeans, I think, "There is NO WAY I can fit into those! They're so small!" But then I try them on, and they FIT.
- I regularly eat salads and love them most times even without a dressing on top.
- A few people now call me skinny. No one has EVER called me that.
- I have a jump in my step when I walk anywhere now not the slow shuffle I had before.
- I have always loved going clothes shopping with my 3 daughters and now we can shop at the same stores.
- My daughters like my clothes and have said, "I never thought I'd say this but, "Mom can I borrow that"
- I've developed a whole new set of taste buds... I used to hate fish, and now it's part of my regular meals. I think certain foods are "too sweet" now.
- I used to head straight for the Women's Plus section in stores. Now, I can shop Misses or even Juniors.
- I used to wake up feeling sore and achy. Now, I feel refreshed when I wake up.
- I used to plan my day around food. Now I remember to eat every 2-3 hours so I won't ever be hungry while I'm out running errands. I remember to bring something with me just in case now.
- I used to get embarrassed and try to hide when I would see an old friend while out and about. Now, I stop to chat with them.
- I never used to eat breakfast. Now, breakfast is my FAVORITE meal of the day (oatmeal)
- I smile more and share more with others. I'm just more comfortable with myself.
- I used to worry that I was an embarrassment to my children because they are all thin.
- I used to avoid social situations because of how fat I was and how embarrassing it was for people to see me like that. Now, I love to wear a cute outfit and spend time with friends.
- I used to rarely put on make up now I always have a little something on.
- I still like to bake treats but now I give it away to family and friends.
- When I was bigger I used to wonder if every ache or pain in my chest was a heart attack. Now I know that the odds are very unlikely that I'd be having a heart attack.
- When I was bored I would think about eating something now when I'm bored I want to exercise.
- When my husband and I go out to eat we choose the healthiest meal on the menu. I never have bread at restaurants anymore.
- Even though I loved to get pedicures I rarely got them because I felt sorry for the poor people that had to touch my huge legs now I get them all the time.
- I bought a bathing suit and my daughter said, "Mom, you fit into that? It's so small"
- I used to feel invisible when at a store--nobody would really pay any attention to me. Now people look and smile and offer to help me all the time.
- I like to walk to places where before I'd always drive.
- I don't have to take pictures at certain angles to get rid of my double chin... I don't have a double chin now!
- I feel worthy of saying, "I'm hungry" or "I'm starved!" When I was fat, it would have been almost like a joke to admit to being hungry when you're overweight.
- My husband and children can wrap their arms around me all the way.
- I never used to drink water. Now, I drink 16oz. first thing in the morning, and I get an additional 16oz. or two throughout the day.
- I'm not completely embarrassed to be seen in a bathing suit.
- I've come to terms with the fact that I CAN'T "be like everyone else" when it comes to eating what I want, when I want. I'll have to do my own thing for the rest of my life, but I'm actually okay with that.
- I used to worry about flying because of the seat belts not fitting and having to ask for a seat belt extension now I know they'll fit.
- I truly ENJOY eating the foods I eat. I don't eat anything I don't like.
- I can fit my whole self into ONE LEG of the size 24W jeans I used to wear.
- The closer you get to your goal weight, the faster the clothes sizes drop.
- Strangers smile at me now.
- I cross my legs all the time now. Never used to be able to before it was too uncomfortable.
- Numerous people have told me that I inspire them. That just blows my mind! I've never been "the success story" before.
- I used to have horrible insomnia and I would toss and turn all night long. Now, I sleep soundly all night.
- I still like to go out to lunch with friends now I just get a healthier choice.
- I've donated most of my fat clothes.
- I can see my knee bones now. Before it was just a big round joint, and now it's angular.
- I can see the bones in my hands and feet too.
- I actually FEEL feminine now and much more girly.
- Feeling feminine gives me the desire to style my hair, wear make-up, and wear cute clothes.
- I even wear cute pajamas now!
- I make everything accommodate MY lifestyle now--if I'm going to a party and I don't think the food fits in with my plan, I simply don't eat it (I eat in advance). I don't let anyone make me feel guilty for doing what's best for ME.
- My blood pressure is lower.
- I used to breathe heavy just sitting down.
- I can wear cheap jewelry now--the cute necklaces, rings, and bracelets actually fit.
- My hands used to go numb sometimes, especially when I was sleeping. That hasn't happened at all since I've lost the weight.
- I don't feel self-conscious about what is in my grocery cart anymore.
- I feel really good about cooking dinner for my kids, because I know they are eating healthy. I make one meal for the whole family,
- I enjoy food even MORE now--sweet foods taste sweeter, spicy foods taste spicier, creamy foods taste creamier, etc. It's like I have brand new taste buds that are super sensitive.
- I used to get excited to go to events like weddings and parties because of the food. Now I rarely even eat at the events instead I enjoy spending time with people.
- I rarely get cravings for any particular food anymore.
- I used to feel like people were judging me because of my size now I don't feel that way at all.
- I used to not be able to fit into certain chairs, or it was a very tight squeeze (chairs with arms). Now, I usually have room on either side of me to spare.
- I used to love wearing over sized clothes in order to hide my body. Now, I only wear fitted clothes and I get rid of all clothes that are even a little bit big.
- I love eating raw cut up vegetables with just a little salt.
- I have given up white bread and white rice for whole wheat.
- I thrive on a routine and write down my food every day.
- When I buy clothes, I can only plan on wearing it a couple of times before it's too big... so I shop at thrift stores and look for clearance items.
- My bowels are very "regular" now...
- My BMI category went from "morbidly obese" to "obese" to "overweight"... and now is so close to being in the normal range.
- My thighs used to get chaffed from rubbing together. Now, they barely brush together when I walk.
- I used to be too self-conscious to wear shorts.
- I used to look at old pictures of me when I was thinner and wished I looked like that again or anywhere even close to that! However, now I am THINNER than I was in some of those pictures! It's a very strange feeling.
- I think about exercising all the time now before I used to think about food all the time.
- I get compliments all the time now that motivate me to keep going!
- I am proud of my birthday coming up this year. I'm turning 50 and feel great. about it.
- I now prefer water to soda.
- I get so much more done in a day now. I have so much more energy.
- I used to eat late into the night now when my allotted food is done for the day I'm not a bit hungry and stop eating easily.
- I take care of myself now instead of just caring for my family only.
- When I sit down, my stomach doesn't rest on top of my thighs anymore.
- When I eat I don't spill food on my chest anymore.
- I'm not afraid of food anymore.
- I love flavorful foods and cooking with spices.
- I feel like I am in control instead of food controlling me.
Celebrate good times COME ON!!! CONGRATULATIONS for getting your life back!!
I'm so, so, proud of you Lisa you look fabulous!
YAY for you and all your hard work!
I am so proud of you!
So happy for your success!!!
So many things on your list made my heart hurt for you.. and others made me want to sing for you!!
My problem.. I have physically dropped weight.. but I'm having a hard time "Mentally" changing. I still think I need to wear a certain size.. and shop in certain areas. I wonder how long it will take me to change...
Soooo HAPPY for you.. and your new found energy and freedoms!
PS: I soo agree about taste. I told my husband that some foods I have always eaten taste so RICh to me now. -- It's good to know it's not just me! I'm not going crazy!
You totally inspire me! I could relate to many things on your list. The two that held the most hope for me? Sleeping better and not being hot all the time. Although I was hot all the time when I was thin so I'm not sure it will make a difference. But I too, wake up constantly throughout the night to toss and turn so it would be wonderful to sleep soundly!
A couple of weeks ago you and I were talking about how strangers treat you differently now and that it kind of made you mad because you are still the same person. I got to thinking about it and realized you are NOT the same person. Like you said in #34, you are more comfortable with yourself and it shows. People respond to that. These changes are all so exciting and invigorating. I'm looking forward to experiencing it for myself. Congratulations!
Congratulations!! You really do look great. And what an awesome achievement. How long did it take you to lose the weight?
I loved how you listed 100 things, one for each pound. You are an inspiration!
this is a awesome list. i look at it and think "Wow, you really never know how someone else is feeling". You are such an inspiration, thank you!
I love this! I'm so impressed and so proud of you!!
What an inspirational post - thank you so much for sharing. I'm 10 weeks into my weight loss journey and I've lost 11 pounds so far. I have 44 more to go before I reach my goal weight, and I'm so thrilled for what I've done so far. I've lost 5% of myself in 11 weeks! =) I can't wait to have a picture like yours - a size 18 Maggie vs. whatever my new size will be!
Thank you so much for sharing!
Wow, what a great accomplishent!! I am so proud of you! :) You look so Beautiful in your picture. Keep up the hard work!
p.s. I am married to Travis' brother, Jared:)
Found your post through your daughter's blog that I came across...haha. :)
But I wanted to tell you how awesome you look & how impressed I am! Congrats & enjoy yourself!!
This is really wonderful! Congratulations!
I dont even know you but your daughter Lauren referred me to your blog on hers:) And I just wanted to tell you how AMAZING you are! & how much I look up to you for losing so much weight and sticking with it! I am so happy that you feel so much better about yourself, you are a wonderful example to everyone! Keep up the hard work!!!:)
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