Friday, September 7, 2012

Five Question Friday 9/7/12

1. What is your favorite fall family tradition?
college football, neighborhood Halloween party and having the whole family over for Thanksgiving

2. If money weren't an issue, how many kids would you have?
one more ( I know that's probably shocking to some of you!)

3. If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be and where would you put it?
I would never get a tattoo but if I have to answer the question then a temporary one on my shoulder like in the movie "Walk To Remember"  just because I love that movie.

4. What condiment is a must in your house?
honey mustard and ketchup

5. How did your spouse/fiance propose?
He took me to where we went on our 1st date (the exact spot) and proposed there.

1 comment:

retired not tired said...

I suppose 7 children would be a nice round number - however children take a lot of money to raise these days especially with the cost of education alone.