We love Quesadilla's at our house. This was on sale and I thought I'd try it since everyone loves them. But now I'm second guessing my decision. Does anyone have this and do you like it?

New master bedroom sheets! They were on sale too. I really do have too much red/burgandy but I can't help it...

I found this at "Real Deals." (thanks Joanna!) All that stuff you find doing laundry now has a place to go.

I have been looking and looking for some kind of centerpiece to go on the coffee table. It had to be toddler friendly and meaningful. I had a hard time finding something I liked until I saw this sign. I like seeing it as I come downstairs every morning. It reminds me where my focus should be. And...it's a teaching tool. Tyler has learned the letters and sounds out the word. He pretends to read it, wouldn't it be a great first word to read?

I liked the family sign so much that I got this one too. Heather helped me find its new home on the stair landing next to the flowers.

Okay, so my new favorite word is family. These were in mismatched frames and I'm slowly switching over to black. The one on the left is our family motto and on the right is the family proclamation.

This is from Christmas. (thanks Hartman family!) When we were putting away Christmas boxes Heather wanted to keep this sign out all year. It's in our kitchen right above the stove. It's amazing that when I see it I really feel more peaceful and hopefully hubby and the kids do too. The power of positive thinking! I think that's why I like quotes so much.

This light my hubby bought at Home Depot. He was reading one day and discovered that this corner doesn't get enough light. So...new light.

I love your family motto!
Fun post.
Your house is so cute! Love the family sign!!!
You are so cute! I'm getting the itch to redo some things in my house as well....where was the "Real Deals" store? I love real deals! :)
oh thanks mom. nice new stuff.. and now the house won't seem so foreign to me when i come back!
I love blog entries like that. They are so comfortable and warm to read. We also have a "family" sign like the one on your coffee table. And I can relate to having kids away at college. I can't wait until next month when my daughter Kristen will be back for the summer. Hooray!
Real Deals is at Baseline just east of Country Club. It's on a little side street that I can't remember the name of.( I just look for the sign they put out on the corner. It's only open on Thurs. and Sat.)
Yay! Everyone deserves some happy and new things! The signs are so cute and I L-O-V-E your flowers up on the landing.. Darling!
Have a good weekend! ~ Ann Marie
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