Well I did it...I made a blog book. I went into blogging with the intent of journaling w/pictures our family happenings and then publishing it into a book. I have never been able to get into scrapbooking. All that paper seemed like such a waste to me. Sorry if you love to scrapbook. I love that I can explain a picture or a thought and have it now in book form with a years worth of posts. I ordered it in 5 minutes over the internet and it arrived in about 2 weeks. If anyone's interested its from Blog2print
I did that in July with my blog and totally loved it.
I was so surprised with how easy and soooo much cheasper than scrapbooking (which I haven't taken time to do for MANY years)
You need to show and tell it!
Thanks for sharing that info. I was just thinking I needed to do the same. About a year's worth at time before Andrew gets home. Do you need to do any editing? And do they print it like it is or change backgrounds or what?
5 minutes?
i'm checking that site out!
post a pic of the book- i'd love to see it!
It didn't take that long? good to know.
I havent heard of this site.
I really want to do this.. so I have a few questions...
1- Does it show the comments?
2- I want to delete a few posts ( video ) and I guess I need to really edit before that?
3- How much does it do? A whole year?
4- How is the cost determined?
That is the whole reason I started blogging too. I make my blog into books each year for my family and I. They love to look at them.
I use Blurb - but anyway you do it it is awesome to not have to scrapbook! (And I used to love scrapbooking but who has time!)
Can't wait until I have enough posts and am ready to print my blog book!
fisrt, thank you for your sweet comments on my post today about Dani's natural birth.
second, I am thinking about doing this same thing, and you answered the questions I had about it too! So thanks for that!
and lastly, your background is super cute!
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