Sunday, April 18, 2010

A new man in the house

Travis came to town-- finally! He's a wonderful guy and this future mother-in-law already loves him. He fits well into the family, no awkward moments. We had a good time getting to know each other. It was so adorable to see the two love birds together. I was sorry to see him go. Now... bring on those wedding plans.

They got a little sun burnt playing in the pool.

Gotta love the blooming desert.

Going on a walk to QT. His new favorite spot. Yep, he fits right in.


Momza said...

They are adorable together!
I also read Lauren's does my daughter, Nana. So fun!
Love the pics!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

So cute together!

Ann Marie said...

They look very cute together!!

It's so nice when potential family members just "fit" right in!!
It's almost like.. where have you been? It's pretty awesome when the family circle gets bigger!

I just went and read her LOVE story. So dang cute!

Happy for you!! Let the wedding planning carry on!! Woot!

Suzanne said...

I love to see the happy couple! So excited to follow along as they get married! She will be quite the beautiful bride! Have a fabulous day! -Suzanne

CB said...

Oh my gosh Lisa they are darling! You are going to have so much fun planning the wedding - Do they have a date yet?

Loralee and the gang... said...

Cute couple!

Joy For Your Journey said...

How wonderful to have met and you all get along. And how nice that you can send him away while you plan the wedding.:-)