Monday, April 2, 2012

100 lb. quest

I didn't go to weigh in today. I'm feeling sick and weak and have an awful hacking cough. I'm back in a routine so that's good. My head is back in it. Does that make sense. I really think that a lot of weight loss success is good attitude and positive thinking. That's probably why I like quotes so much.  They are so motivating and put my thoughts into focus.
 I must be delirious from medication because I'm actually going to post pictures of myself. This is extremely rare. I never post pictures of myself.  If you don't like how you look you avoid camera's, mirror's too.  Not the best camera angles...sorry.

Learning to do this has been freeing and great for my mental health!

This was taken September 2011 at a baseball game with my daughter Heather.

This was taken February 2012 at the play Wicked with my daughter Heather.


mpal said...

Those are great pictures Lisa! You're a beautiful lady inside and out!!!!!! I have always admired your strength and your grace and well as your tenacity to get things accomplished. Be kind to yourself - you are AMAZING!!!!!

Julie said...

Look at you! You ARE beautiful, and I'm so happy to finally "meet" you. :)

CB said...

Lisa wow!! You look so great!!! You are an amazing person with so much willpower - I admire you so much!
I'm sorry you are not feeling good right now but I am so excited for you to be reaching your goals.
You are truly beautiful!!

Pedaling said...

There you are! Looking strong and beautiful! You are glowing. Way to go!